Sunday, May 22, 2016

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) Aloe Vera Benefits

Aloe Vera

Although Aloe is about 99% water, the remaining 1% is extremely powerful and it is thought this is because the close to 100 ingredients work extremely well together (synergistically). Aloe vera contains many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body's systems. The ingredients in Aloe can be grouped into the following categories: Vitamins, Minerals, Sugars, Enzymes, Lignins, Amino Acids, Anthraquinones, Saponins, Fatty Acids, Salicylic Acid.
Each of these categories could be discussed at length in their own right regarding individual molecules and ongoing studies into their remarkable effects. Combined together it's easy to see why Aloe Vera is such an effective healing plant.

Healing properties

Aloe is an excellent treatment for skin conditions such as burns and eczema. It is often reported that burns can be healed remarkably quickly and the pain reduced very quickly with topical application of Aloe Vera to the burn area. As well as applying topically, Aloe can also be taken internally so it is just as useful for internal epithelial tissue as it is for the skin. For example, mouth and stomach ulcers, nasal and sinuses, bowels, lungs and genital tracts. Aloe works on membranes and surfaces.

Is there Vitamin B12 in Aloe Vera?

It is often reported Aloe Vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, however it appears there are only trace amounts of B12 at best in Aloe Vera. What does seem to be the case is that taking Aloe vera at the same time as a Vitamin B12 supplement increases the absorption and bio-availability of the B12 to the body. The B vitamins range, along with Vitamin C, are all water soluble, whereas the rest of the vitamins are fat soluble. Aloe vera seems quite special in that it appears to also enhance the absorption of Vitamin E (fat soluble) as well as Vitamin B12, which suggests it can help absorp the full range of fat and water soluble vitamins. It would therefore be a great addition to your daily regime as it may help adults, children, and even pets receive more value from their foods and supplements.

Aloe Vera Helps Immune System

Aloe also seems to be excellent at regulating the immune system (an immunomodulator). This means it can both stimulate the immune response for those with weakened immune systems either from exisiting conditions or post-illness fatigue. It can also calm the immune response, such as for hayfever where less immune reaction is beneficial. Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of the components to boost immunity and combat the HIV virus, and to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia). It may even have a role to play in managing diabetes. Numerous studies worldwide indicate that it is a general tonic for the immune system, helping it to fight illness of all kinds. Over 200 worldwide scientific research papers have been published on the effects. The three main categories of research include anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial, and anti-viral actions of the plant. The juice is said to soothe digestive tract irritations such as colitis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. It's ability to encourage the release of pepsin (a gastric juice enzyme necessary for digestion) when the stomach is full is a possible reason for its ulcer-healing effects (Journal of the American Osteopathic Society, 1963, vol.62). In one study, oral use for six months helped mitigate asthma symptoms in almost half of the participants. Eleven of twenty-seven patients studied who drank Aloe reported feeling better at the end of the study. Researchers think that results might be due to stimulation of the immune system, as well as naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents in the plant.
In 1994, the US Food and Drug Administration approved Aloe vera for the treatment of HIV. On-going studies worldwide show that taken in highly concentrated doses can stimulate the production of white blood cells that may help fight viruses and also tumours.

Aloe vera nutrients list

Aloe vera contains protein, calciummagnesiumzinc, vitamins A and E and is naturally rich in:
Vitamin C which helps maintain tone of blood vessels and promotes good circulation and is essential to the health of the adrenal gland which supports our body in times of stress.
Amino acids which are chains of atoms constructing protein in our body.
Enzymes, which are the life-principle in every live, organic atom and molecule of natural raw food, rejuvenate aged tissues and promote healthy skin.
Germanium which is a mineral that some health authorities claim therapeutic benefits for: immunodeficiency, pain, cardiac disorders, circulatory disturbances and eye problems.

Aloe vera body cleansing juice

The juice is said to be one of the finest body cleansers, cleaning morbid matter from the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, bladder, and is considered the finest, known colon cleanser. Studies have shown that it is healing and soothing in the relief of indigestion, stomach distress and ulcers. People claim relief from arthritis, bladder and kidney infections; leg cramps, constipation, hemorrhoids, insomnia, and for vaginitis, it is said to be an excellent vaginal douche. An excellent internal tonic for energy and well being Aloe juice may add greatly to the strength of the food fed, digestive tract, skin, and overall good health and happiness.

Aids digestion

It is also used to ease heartburn, ulcers, diverticular disorders, and other types of digestive upset. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and may be taken internally as a remedy for certain digestive complaints. European folk medicine calls for using the juice to relieve heartburn and ulcers. Preliminary research has shown promising results. Clinical trials in Japan indicate that certain compounds in the herb reduce the secretion of stomach juices and the formation of lesions.

Fights disease

In 1997, University of San Antonio researcher Jeremiah Herlihy, Ph.D., conducted a study to observe any negative effects of drinking it daily. Rather than exhibiting negative effects, however, test animals receiving daily Aloe showed a remarkable reduction in leukemia, heart disease, and kidney disease. Dr. Herlihy concluded, "We found no indication of harm done to the rats even at high levels." In fact, the Aloe-drinking animals actually lived 25 percent longer than those in the control group (IASC Conference, Texas, 1997).
Animal studies and anecdotal reports claim that drinking the juice or taking it as a tablet or capsule can reduce swelling and inflammation in arthritic joints. Drinking the juice may also help those asthmatic patients who are not dependent on cortico-steroids.
There is no single ingredient that makes it very potent and healthful. Researcher Robert Davis, Ph.D., an endocrinologist-biologist, explains that fifteen different compound groups of nutrients work together to make the plant effective. This means that Aloe vera's effects cannot be synthesized easily in a laboratory. On the upside, this makes the plant useful across a wide spectrum of circumstances. And because the various elements that make it effective are nutrients rather than drugs, the juice may complement medical treatments. In fact some cancer patients state that Aloe vera seems to reduce nausea, increase energy, and may help to minimize low blood counts caused by chemotherapy or radiation.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How To Make Aloe Vera Powder

Aloe Vera powder can easily be made with the use of just a few materials and ingredients.
Because its gel oxidizes fast, prepare the following materials and additional ingredients: blender, spoon, stainless steel pot, paring and vegetable knife, sugar, vitamins C and E.
Here's how:
1. With the use of a paring knife, cut off the thorny edges of the Aloe Vera leaf of your choice. It is an advantage if you pick a large leaf because the thorny edges are already large and can easily be removed and that you could acquire a large amount of Aloe Vera gel. Use a vegetable knife to peel off the leaf's skin. Scoop out the translucent gel-like flesh and put it in a blender. Always remember that the plant's gel oxidizes fast so do the following steps immediately.
2. For each 1/4 cup of gel, add in 400 IU of vitamin E and 500 mg of powdered vitamin C into the blender. Vitamin C and E can easily be bought in drug stores. You can open a capsule of vitamin E and put the powder inside the blender; you could crush a Vitamin C tablet with the back of a spoon or vice versa. The effect of both vitamins is very useful because they add up health benefits to the gel and they can also slow down the gel's oxidation process.
3. For each one liter of gel, add one kilo of sugar. If you want less, you could also use half a kilo of sugar for every half liter of extracted gel.
4. Blend the components completely until there is no more visible pulp gel. Pour in the gel into a stainless steel pot. If there are still pulp gels remaining, you could use a piece of cheesecloth to filter the gel when you're pouring it into the pot.
5. Heat the gel in the pot with constant stirring to avoid burning.
6. If the solution is already hard to stir, get a spoonful of gel sample and refrigerate it within a few minutes. If the sample in the spoon turns into powder, then that is already the setting point.
7. Blend the heated gel to get a consistent texture of the powder.
8. Put the Aloe Vera powder in an air tight container and store in refrigerator or in a cool dry place.
Learn more about the wonders of aloe vera powder [] and what aloe vera products [] can do for your health and well-being.

Article Source:

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What is the real (natural) color of Aloe Vera?

Real (natural) Aloe Vera gel or liquid is not green!
In nature the green of the Aloe Vera plant is the result of interaction of the plant's chlorophyll with sunlight.
Products containg Aloe or Aloe Vera which are green in color have artificial color dyes added (check their ingredient listing for RD blue and RD yellow, which when combined give the green color).
Natural Aloe Vera gel varies in color from clear to slightly yellow / translucent gold. The variation in color depends upon the season in which the Aloe Vera was harvested. When clear in color the Aloe Vera was harvested during the rainy season; Aloe Vera that is slightly yellow / translucent gold in color has been harvested during the dry season.
Nancy K. Brown's Aloe Vera is clear or slightly yellow / translucent gold in color, providing you with additonal assurance of the purity, authenticity and potency of our products. Nancy K. Brown products do not contain artificial color dyes or fragrances.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Aloe vera Plants For Your Bedroom to Help You Sleep

Aloe Vera

12 Plants For Your Bedroom to Help You Sleep
12 Plants For Your Bedroom to Help You Sleep
Listed as one of NASA’s top air-improving plants, the fantastic Aloe works much like the Snake Plant – it emits oxygen at night, making for a more restful slumber. It’s also one of the easiest plants to grow and maintain – it tolerates ‘neglect’ well and so doesn’t require frequent watering.
Dubbed the ‘plant of immortality’ by the Egyptians, it reproduces easily so if you buy one you’ll soon have an Aloe plant for all the rooms in your house. You can even pass on the gift of happy sleep to your family and friends! Keep it on your bedroom window as it does need a lot of direct sunlight.
You can also use the gel from the Aloe Vera leaves as a topical treatment for minor cuts and burns, insect bites, dry skin and lots more! It’s simply a must-have plant in every home.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

How to Eat Raw Aloe

How to Eat Raw Aloe
Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a topical skin treatment. Common in Indian and Southeast Asian cuisines, aloe can also be eaten, either cooked or raw. The pale green “skin” of the stalks hides the clear “meat” inside the leaves, as well as the natural gel the plant produces, both of which are edible. You can use aloe on salads or in drinks, where it provides a refreshing taste. Aloe is considered safe for oral consumption, but because it has a natural laxative effect, long-term, regular consumption is not advised.

Preparing Raw Aloe

While the outer green skin of aloe can be eaten, it is often bitter and tough, so it is removed and only the clear inner portion of the stalk is consumed. The easiest way of getting at the gel is to peel away the skin with a sharp knife and then crush the meat inside and eat it as is. However, more elaborate preparations often have large pieces of the stalk cut into rectangular portions that can then be added to salads or drinks for texture. You can rinse off the gel the plant naturally excretes before eating the meat, but the gel is also edible, although the sticky texture may be unpalatable for some people.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016



How to choose the best Aloe Vera

All the company claim that their product is the best. Now, how could we know?

To whom and where can we find best?

It is easy, all you have to do , make your own research and make your own choices. 

Here, we'll help to learn what to look for and what is important in order for us to choose the best products for our needs. 

Aloe Vera is widely used anywhere in most products from juice, personal care and even with cosmetics. Some products claimed that they have 100% aloe vera ingredient on their products. Anyone can claim it.

The thing is many manufacturers stretch more from a concentrated one gallons or pounds  of aloe vera to tons or hundreds of gallons of finished aloe vera drink, to get more profits.  in other words, we don't know how potent, how pure the
finished product that we can get in the market.

Commercially produced products with aloe vera as ingredient is not really sure if the perfect percentage is there, as long its written in the label even its the last ingredient or the first.,we would not know.

To help us know lets listen and watch the video 

FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS  is the world's no. 1 grower, producer and distributor of aloe vera products.

Forever Living and forever Living Products have been certified by International Science Council 

( www.IASC.ORG)
Why Forever Aloe VERA, Why FLP

Some Facts why we would like FLP Aloe Vera Products
  • FLP owns its own Aloe Vera plantations of Rio Grande valley in Southern Texas, Dominican Republic & Mexico.
  • Forever living  grows Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller that has the most nutritional compounds among more the  more than 400 species of Aloe.
  • Forever Living Aloe Vera is  cold pressed stabilized 
  • FLP processes its Aloe Vera leaves within hours of harvesting.
  • They are washed and rinsed  twice before being carefully process. 

The raw gel except its outer leaf or the outer skin of aloe is stabilized by a proven, patented process which preserves essentially all the different nutritional compounds naturally occurring in the plant. 

Only Pure aloe vera gel is used.  The leaf along with the yellowish  lining ( called aloin) is discarded. the pulp of the raw gel then undergoes a stabilization process that protects it from oxidation and seals in its natural potency. 

Only mature Aloe Vera plants providing 100% gel potency  are harvested and used for manufacture.

Modern harvesting techniques are guaranteed throughout the farm system and no pesticides , no chemicals . 

Mature aloe vera reached to three years of careful cultivation,each mature leaf  is gently removed from the plant by hand with a small incission along the stalk. The facilities, machinery,test equipment, laborers are subject to stringent  government regulations.

Every batch of every product manufactured is tested a number of times to ensure purity and consistency before,during and after final formulation before release by quality control from quarantine.

Once the aloe has been tested and approved, it is transported to FLP's product manufacturing plant, Aloe Vera of America in Dallas , Texas where it's put through a series of microbiological and quantitative testing. Once approved, the gel is transferred to FLP product formulation tanks.  when the compounding phase is completed the product is filled in automated filling line.

The consumable products are sealed to protect against contamination, and to increase shelf-life. The bottles are made with a unique 3-layer plastic which further protects from oxidation and keeps it fresh. Flp revolutionary bottling equipment can produce over 100,000 bottles per shift, thats more than three bottles of Aloe Vera gel filled, sealed and packaged per second. Proven results :   

The  Food and Drug Testing  Laboratories of New  York conducted an independent test comparing Forever Living's  Stabilized Gel from the raw, mature Aloe Barbadensis leaf. The two were found by them to be "essentially identical" . In other words what you get in the bottle is the same you would have if you filtered your own leaf ( without a mess!) . 

Forever Living Aloe Vera  Gel has been certified by International Aloe Science Council and earned the right to display the Council's seal of approvalon the gels. 

Flp products have been approved not only by International Aloe Science Council, but also carry theKOSHER RATING seal of approval, as well as Islamic seal of approval and none of the products have been tested on Animals.

Aloe Vera  has been used externally and internally. To help various skin conditions. 

Aloe  Vera's beneficial properties may  be attributed to the presence of mucopolysaccharides present in the inner gel  of the leaf, especially acetylated mannans.

What are the benefits of Aloe Vera, what it does to human body?

  • Aloe Vera contains 20 amino acids including the 8 essential ones - isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenyllalanine, threonine, valine, and trytophan.
  • Amino Acids are the building blocks of the body.  
  • Besides building cells and repairing tissue, they form antibodies to combat invading bacteria and viruses 
  • They are part of the enzyme and hormonal system; they build necleoproteins, ( RNA & DNA ) . 
  • They carry oxygen throughout the body and participate in muscle activity. When protein is broken down the digestion the result is 22 known amino acids. 
  • Eight are essentials ( cannot be manufactured by our body) , the rest are non essential ( can be maufactured by our body with proper nutrition ) .
  • TRYTOPHAN ( An essential amino acid )  found  in Aloe is a natural  relaxant.
  • Helps alleviate insomnia by inducing normal sleep; reduces anxiety and depression.
  • Helps in the treatment of migraine .
  • Helps the immune system.
  • Helps reduce the risk of artery and heart spasms.
  • Works with Lysine ( another essential amino acid)  in reducing Cholesterol levels.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Aloe vera Farming. Harvesting and Processing

   Aloecorp harvests and processes Aloe vera according to guidelines of Time, Temperature and Sanitation (TTS).  Strict, sanitary manufacturing practices use specific time and temperature guidelines to preserve the natural properties of the Aloe vera plant.
farming_fields.jpg   Aloecorp is the industry leader in producing quality Aloe vera raw material including gels, whole leaf, liquid concentrates and powders. Aloecorp is devoted to producing the highest quality Aloe products through the use of quality control parameters including various devices for analyzing chemical and physical characteristics, and in vitro assays for monitoring biological activity. Aloecorp is the only supplier with a full range of biological, chemical and medicinal R&D capabilities. Superior products deliver high quality with added benefits to the consumer ― and consumers expect a more effective and consistent product they can depend on time after time. More recently, Aloecorp began developing an Aloe vera farm on Hainan Island in Southern China. (See the "Representatives" section for more information about our Asia sales office.)

Aloecorp de Mexico

farming_aloeplant.jpg Aloe vera leaves are normally sensitive to subfreezing temperatures after several hours. Since occasional arctic cold fronts move down through Southern Texas, weather can be a ruinous factor to an Aloe vera processing schedule. With that in mind, Aloecorp thought it prudent to grow a large, additional supply of Aloe vera leaves further South in Mexico. Our Mexican farm is located in the southern tip of the State of Tamaulipas, Gonzalez, about fifty miles northwest of Tampico in the northern tip of State Veracruz, Panuco by the beautiful Panuco riverside.
"Quality of Inspired by Nature"
by Richard Ledesma
   The hill country surrounding Aloecorp de Mexico is a beautiful landscape, dotted with thatch-roofed huts and pastel-painted farm houses. Soothing pastures are set into sloping hills, surrounded by deep green pines, bright green palms, and a world of other plants and trees. To the east, Picture of farmers moving harvested aloetowards Tampico, the hills rest higher and slope downward toward a valley on the western horizon, where the mountain called El Bernal juts out of the flats like a giant tree trunk. The plantation itself is a glorious sight. Smooth, rolling hills are blanketed with countless rows of Aloe plants that seem to go on forever. Amid the light green fields are a few ponds lined with tall, dark trees. Like the surrounding land, the farm slightly slopes toward the valley to the west, giving the observer a perfect view of El Bernal. Near the center of the farm, beside the largest pond, stands the bright white, newly constructed Aloecorp Plantation building which houses the production and processing facility, warehouse and offices. The structure has a Mexican architectural flavor, with arches lining the front walk, wall-to-wall tile and a complete absence of wood.
  Each morning, as the sun rises and the roosters from the local farms crow to their hearts content, the employees of Aloecorp de Mexico wait outside their homes for the company bus. This bus drives on the narrow roads that wind through the hill country, providing a ride to employees who lack transportation. When the company bus arrives at the plantation, the first order of business is the employee farming_workers-truck.jpgmeeting. During the meeting, the farm manager informs field employees of the projects to be carried out that day. A typical project might be weeding a certain section of the farm, or harvesting a certain amount of leaves. The one hundred-plus employees at the plantation work in the field, or in production or maintenance capacities. Once the farm manager has given his instructions, the production manager leads a small discussion. The topic might be something like facility cleanliness or productivity. At each meeting, employees are given the opportunity to voice their opinions and point out problems to the manager. Any problems that may exist are discussed openly at the meeting. By the meeting's end, employees know exactly what they are to do that day.
   For those working in the fields, the midday sun provides a humid, blistering heat. Most of the employees, however, grew up in the area and are accustomed to the climate. They steadily work the fields, harvesting the Aloe by pulling back on the green leaf and cutting at the white base. Approximately three of the outermost mature leaves are cut from each plant. Leaves are gathered in boxes which are transported immediately to the production facility. Back at the building, production employees feed aloefield-092309.JPGincoming harvested leaves into the primary washer located just outside the production room. The production room is filled with a stainless steel conveyor system that quickly moves harvested leaves from the primary wash tank outside through a small opening in the wall into the room. The conveyors propel leaves to the mechanical leaf washer, then to the cutting area, and finally through the gel expulsion machines. The production room is kept in an ultra-sanitary state, even when not in use. Employees are required to go through a process of sanitation every time they enter the room and the entire area is thoroughly cleaned after each production run. Once the gel is expelled from the leaves, it is pumped through a de-pulping machine. The pure Aloe gel is then moved through HTST, the best pasteurizing method to reduce microbial count in the fresh product and stored in an insulated tank, ready to be pumped into a concentration operation.
  The production process is one requiring discipline and hard work. The maintenance of the equipment, the enforcement of sanitation standards and the effort to maintain a level of productive efficiency, all require a special effort. Visitors to the Aloecorp de Mexico Plantation will often comment on the beauty of the fields and the natural surroundings. They see the purity of nature surrounding the Aloecorp de Mexico Plantation as an inspiration. "It is easier to continue striving to preserve the natural purity of the Aloe gel when you are in such a natural environment ― that's the kind of feeling you can't always get from working in an office or industrial park."

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Homemade Honey and Aloe Facial Cleanser. This is super easy to make. So easy you’ll only need three ingredients, and zero fancy tools!
The beauty of making homemade products is found in the simplicity of the ingredients!
The simplest food ingredients usually create the most delicious meals. The same concept proves true when it comes to making homemade products. That’s why I often use the words five ingredients oreasy to describe recipes posted on Live Simply. It’s not a Pinterest tactic; rather, a way to showcase how something that seems so complicated (like cooking a homemade dinner or making hand soap) is incredibly easy to take responsibility for at home.
As a society, we’ve become accustomed to life being too complicated, which has led to the mentality that we must rely on someone else (AKA: a big company) to make our dinners or nourish our skin. These are “products” our great-grandma knew how to make before commercials started telling her grandchildren that making anything at home is far too complicated and time-consuming for the average person.
Homemade Honey and Aloe Facial Cleanser. This is super easy to make. So easy you’ll only need three ingredients, and zero fancy tools!Today’s DIY beauty product is super easy to make. So easy you’ll only need three ingredients, andzero fancy tools!
Homemade Honey and Aloe Facial Cleanser. This is super easy to make. So easy you’ll only need three ingredients, and zero fancy tools!
Homemade Honey and Aloe Facial Cleanser. This is super easy to make. So easy you’ll only need three ingredients, and zero fancy tools!
As cooler weather approaches, not only do I start to think about a wardrobe change (I’m starting a capsule wardrobe this season, wish me luck!), but also about changes to my skincare routine. Just like our body needs different food nutrients depending on the season (heartier meals in the cooler months and lighter meals in the warmer months), I believe it’s important to change up our skincare food nutrients, too.
In the warmer months, when Florida becomes a free sauna (think: lots of sweat and dirt!), I use a product that will scrub away the gunk. This is when I turn to a soapy cleanser like my honey face wash. In the cooler months, when I don’t sweat nearly as much and the outside air is drier, I turn to a gentle method to cleanse my face,  like a honey and aloe cleanser. Since it’s officially fall (I’ve got my boots ready, come on Florida!!) , let’s turn our attention toward this gentle cleanser.
Homemade Honey and Aloe Facial Cleanser. This is super easy to make. So easy you’ll only need three ingredients, and zero fancy tools!
Before I share the recipe, let’s take a look at the simple ingredient list:
Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera is a common ingredient used to treat sunburns due to its soothing and antioxidant properties. Since we know aloe is great for the skin, why not add it to a daily face cleanser? If you’re interested in some of the benefits of aloe vera, this article from Mind Body Green is very insightful.
Raw Honey: Raw honey is simply honey that hasn’t been pasteurized. Due to the lack of pasteurization (heating), raw honey is naturally rich in antibacterial and probiotic properties. Honey is also gentle on sensitive skin, but tough enough to remove dirt and other impurities. If you can’t find raw honey in your area (although many stores/markets now sell raw honey, so take a look before dismissing this ingredient), pasteurized honey may be used.
Nourishing Oil: Finally, what would a good face cleanser be without a nourishing oil? Since oil dissolves oil, it’s only natural to add a nourishing oil to a homemade facial cleanser.
Homemade Honey and Aloe Facial Cleanser. This is super easy to make. So easy you’ll only need three ingredients, and zero fancy tools!
And now that our skin is ready for the cool weather, maybe it’s time to bring back the Pumpkin Spice Latte?
Good idea, my friend, good idea!
Homemade Honey and Aloe Facial Cleanser
Serves: ½ cup
  • ¼ cup aloe vera gel (where to buy)
  • ¼ cup honey (preferably raw)
  • 1 TB nourishing oil--I use a quality extra virgin olive oil or jojoba oil. Any nourishing oil will work, other options include: almond, avocado, apricot, argan, coconut. If you plan to use coconut oil, make sure the oil is soft before adding it to the aloe and honey.
  1. Combine all the ingredients. That's it!
  2. Okay, a few more notes: This cleanser can be stored in a sealed jar (I use a Mason jar) or a soap dispenser. Either method works, it's completely up to you. If you're using a jar, I recommend using a spoon to scoop the cleanser into your hand to avoid introducing bacteria to the cleanser. Store the cleanser at room temperature for a couple of months. If you're using fresh aloe, store the cleanser in the fridge since the aloe may spoil quickly.
To Use: Shake the cleanser. Apply a small amount of cleanser to our hand, then massage the cleanser on your face. Allow the cleanser to sit for about a minute total, just to absorb the wonderful qualities of the ingredients. Using a damp wipe (I love these wipes for facial cleansing!! LOVE!), gently remove the cleanser, rinsing the wipe as needed.
    The “where to buy” links provide links to the actual products I use. As always, I recommend shopping around online and at local stores for the best prices and products you love. Find my favorite DIY ingredients and tools, here.

    I follow this cleanser (as well as the Homemade Honey Face Wash) with apple cider vinegar astringent/toner and a moisturizer. I use a cleanser or face wash in the evening, and simply rinse my face with water in the morning.
    Homemade Honey and Aloe Facial Cleanser. This is super easy to make. So easy you’ll only need three ingredients, and zero fancy tools!

    Friday, May 6, 2016

    Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects

    Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects

    Aloe vera is a succulent plant with long, thick, waxy leaves containing inner gel and outer gel, along with latex liquid from the inner leaf skin. People use aloe vera gel and juice for topical and oral health remedies. You can grow aloe as a houseplant and make juice by breaking off leaves and scooping out the gel, then juicing this gel in a blender. Aloe vera juice also is available commercially. Side effects are uncommon.

    Laxative Effects

    The inner leaf of aloe vera has laxative effects, according to MedlinePlus. Consuming large amounts of whole leaf aloe vera juice rather than juice made from the gel alone can cause painful abdominal cramping, loose stools and diarrhea. Using this type of juice longer than a week can lead to laxative dependency and constipation after you stop drinking the juice. People experiencing this type of diarrhea may develop dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, including low potassium levels, especially if they are diabetic or have kidney disease. Low potassium levels can lead to muscle weakness and irregular heart rhythms. The laxative effects of whole-leaf aloe vera juice also can decrease the absorption of many drugs. Consuming aloe products including the latex for over one year may increase the risk of colon cancer, notes MedlinePlus.

    Blood Sugar Reduction

    Drinking aloe vera juice may reduce blood glucose levels. MedlinePlus advises people prone to hypoglycemia and those taking medications such as metformin or insulin to regulate blood sugar to be cautious about consuming aloe vera juice.

    Skin Irritation

    Although aloe is used topically to heal certain skin disorders, it also may cause skin irritation. Surgical wounds have healed more slowly after application of aloe, according to MedlinePlus. Additionally, applying aloe juice to the face after a skin peel (dermabrasion) may cause redness and burning. Applying aloe vera juice to the skin before sun exposure can cause a rash.

    Allergic Reaction

    Some people are allergic to aloe. This allergy is especially common in people who are allergic to plants in the Liliaceae family such as garlic, onions, hyacinths, lilies and tulips. Signs of an allergic reaction may include skin rash or hives, itchy or swollen skin, difficulty breathing, tightness in the throat or chest and chest pain. An allergic reaction to aloe vera juice should be considered a medical emergency.
    I found this Q&A online today. Dr. Fox, the animal doctor from the Washington Post, was answering some questions from pet owners. It started off with a question about natural flea control. Another reader was very upset because she had found out that one of her two new cats had a terminal disease called Feline infectious peritonitis, FIP. FIP is a fatal incurable disease that invades and grows in white blood cells causing the immune system to respond with intense inflammation in the containing tissues. It seems that it is very common in places where large groups of cats are kept together (animal shelters). Most common transmission is through the inhalation or ingestion of the virus through feces. The owner wanted to know if there was anything she could do for the cat since she has proven to be sensitive to any medicine.

    The doctor responded telling her, “As long as an animal is not suffering and has some quality of life, has a good appetite and enjoys being petted and gentle play, then never give up.” Dr. Fox went on to suggest a raw-food diet and a couple of supplements including (shocker shocker) human grade aloe vera liquid!
    I don’t actually find it that shocking that a sick cat would respond to aloe vera liquid in a good way. True, Animal Poison Control and a couple of different sites out list the aloe plant as toxic to felines. They are referring to chewing or gnawing on the plant. However, holistic veterinarian practitioners have found that there are benefits from the juice extracted. There are also studies that have been done using acemannan obtained from Aloe vera to treat the feline leukemia virus.
    Acemannan is a compound that is extracted from aloe and is known to have immunostimulant, antiviral, antineoplastic, and gastrointestinal properties.
    Feline leukemia is a viral disease that kills all affected cats, 40% die within 4 weeks, and 70% within 8 weeks. In the study I looked at from back in 1991, injections of acemannan were given to cats infected with the virus. After 6 weeks the survival rate and the quality of life of the infected cats were improved. After 12 weeks, 71% of the cats used in this experiment were still alive and in good health! That’s a lot more than 4 weeks. I hear the owners of those cats were very grateful.
    Aloe is also being used for the treatment and clinical management of fibrosarcoma in cats and dogs. It has prolonged the survival of the animals.

    Well, it seems like aloe’s natural healing properties are not just for humans alone, at least in some forms. Remember, always consult with your veterinarian before you give your cat any supplement!

    Thursday, May 5, 2016

    In the News: Aloe Vera and Cats

    I found this Q&A online today. Dr. Fox, the animal doctor from the Washington Post, was answering some questions from pet owners. It started off with a question about natural flea control. Another reader was very upset because she had found out that one of her two new cats had a terminal disease called Feline infectious peritonitis, FIP. FIP is a fatal incurable disease that invades and grows in white blood cells causing the immune system to respond with intense inflammation in the containing tissues. It seems that it is very common in places where large groups of cats are kept together (animal shelters). Most common transmission is through the inhalation or ingestion of the virus through feces. The owner wanted to know if there was anything she could do for the cat since she has proven to be sensitive to any medicine.

    The doctor responded telling her, “As long as an animal is not suffering and has some quality of life, has a good appetite and enjoys being petted and gentle play, then never give up.” Dr. Fox went on to suggest a raw-food diet and a couple of supplements including (shocker shocker) human grade aloe vera liquid!
    I don’t actually find it that shocking that a sick cat would respond to aloe vera liquid in a good way. True, Animal Poison Control and a couple of different sites out list the aloe plant as toxic to felines. They are referring to chewing or gnawing on the plant. However, holistic veterinarian practitioners have found that there are benefits from the juice extracted. There are also studies that have been done using acemannan obtained from Aloe vera to treat the feline leukemia virus.
    Acemannan is a compound that is extracted from aloe and is known to have immunostimulant, antiviral, antineoplastic, and gastrointestinal properties.
    Feline leukemia is a viral disease that kills all affected cats, 40% die within 4 weeks, and 70% within 8 weeks. In the study I looked at from back in 1991, injections of acemannan were given to cats infected with the virus. After 6 weeks the survival rate and the quality of life of the infected cats were improved. After 12 weeks, 71% of the cats used in this experiment were still alive and in good health! That’s a lot more than 4 weeks. I hear the owners of those cats were very grateful.
    Aloe is also being used for the treatment and clinical management of fibrosarcoma in cats and dogs. It has prolonged the survival of the animals.

    Well, it seems like aloe’s natural healing properties are not just for humans alone, at least in some forms. Remember, always consult with your veterinarian before you give your cat any supplement!

    Is Aloe Vera Safe for Cats and Dogs?

    Aloe has become quite popular as humans move towards natural remedies, but is it safe for cats and dogs?
    Good news!  Aloe vera is one of the safest ‘wonder herbs’ for pets and it has many uses for virtually all of them. Even sensitive pets like cats can safely enjoy its holistic and medicinal benefits.
    What can Aloe do for your pet?The Many Uses of Aloe Vera for Pets - Dogs, Cats, Horses, Rabbits
    • Soothes and treats skin conditions
    • Wound & insect bite healing
    • Burn treatment & cooling
    • Treat frostbite
    • Kidney stones
    • Anti-bacterial
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Topical pain relief
    • Repairs cellular damage and reduces scarring
    • Immunostimulant (Acemannan)
    • Digestion (nutrient absorption) & digestive system injury
    • Heals ulcers
    • Normalizes blood sugar
    • Protects against radiation exposure
    • Dietary supplement of antioxidants, polysaccharides, enzymes, protein and minerals.
    • May prevent cancer and tumors (Alo A)
    Aloe has been studied quite extensively, including animal studies. Its effectiveness on a broad spectrum of maladies is well documented.
    You can treat pets using the sap from a broken Aloe plant leaf, or purchase Aloe juice or gel. Usually Aloe gel is used externally, Aloe juice internally, and Aloe bitters are used for kidney stones and constipation. It can be used alone or in essential oil blends and other pet products.